Connecting With God: Receiving the Divine Gifts #holyspirit #jesus #truth

4 months ago

Today we discuss some more issues and questions that we have come across in our spiritual walk so far...

In todays episode:
1. Is it necessary to speak in diverse tongues?
We have been given so many gifts of the Holy Spirit, and one of the most important is the ability to speak in the language of angels, or in diverse tongues. But is it a requirement of salvation, what are the benfits, and how often should we be doing it? Well lets talk about it!

2. Jesus disqualifies religion...
In the words of our awesome pastor, "Jesus did not come to make men religlious, but He caem to do the one thing we never could, He restored to us tspihe Righteousness of God."

Jesus came and disqualified religious minds, by qualifying the righteous minded...

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