Elon Musk: British Civil War is Inevitable

6 months ago

Elon Musk: British civil war is inevitable

This is how the billionaire responded to the clashes in Britain between white right-wingers and Islamists, which have been going on for the 4th day.

The reason was the murder of 3 children by a local Muslim.

Crowds of armed migrants are now roaming all over the country, causing pogroms and arson while shouting Alahu Akbar. They are opposed by the native English.

Editors note

How did we at Independent Media predict this would happen so accurately if there wasn’t a pre planned Globalist agenda for this to occur

And who is behind this ?

The United States of Israel and their last ditch effort to usher in their NWO One World trynanncial Government as a solution to end the much worse violence they have planned for you

Many will beg for their fraudulent solution


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