How Gods Commandments Help us Overcome the Trauma of Sin (Full Sermon)

6 months ago

Scripture reviewed
1 Corinthians 2:12 - 16
1 Corinthians 3:16 - 17
1 Corinthians 6:15 - 20

There is healthcare for physical wounds but what about the treatment for spiritual wounds?

How can you treat the wound if there is no spiritual healthcare available?

The wound therefore becomes infected and leads to death, the concept is the same for our spiritual state of being.

And if we can't spot our spiritual wounds because there is no diagnosis, how then can we know the treatment?

The revelation is this, that sin is the wound and the wages for unrepented sin is death and the treatment for our spiritual wounds are the laws, the statutes and the commandments handed down to man written in the Torah and then shown how to execute them by Yah Christ!

NOTHING CONTRADICTS ITSELF in regards to the order of the creation of this world!

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