Is the So-Called Makarrata Commission Done?

1 month ago

On the night of the election, Saturday, 21st May 2022, incoming Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivered his victory speech stating in part, “On behalf of the Australian Labor Party, I commit to the Uluru Statement from the heart in full.” The Uluru Statement can be found online and states among other things, “We call for the establishment of a First Nations Voice enshrined in the Constitution.” Well that notion was shot down when the Australian public overwhelmingly voted No. Of course, it was “rampant online disinformation” that made us vote No, right? It seems like whenever people go against their Government, disinformation is to blame! Nothing to do with the quality of the ideas.

But the Uluru Statement also mentioned, “We seek a Makarrata Commission to supervise a process of agreement-making between governments and First Nations and truth-telling about our history.”

For those of you not familiar with the word Makarrata, according to ABC News from 2017, many years before the Voice referendum, stated, “Makarrata literally means a spear penetrating, usually the thigh, of a person that has done wrong… so that they cannot hunt anymore, that they cannot walk properly, that they cannot run properly; to maim them, to settle them down, to calm them — that’s Makarrata.” Hmm, pleasant. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Makarrata is a trial method. “During a ritualised meeting, the accused ran the gauntlet of his accusers, who threw spears at him; a wounded thigh was taken as proof of guilt.” Presumably if the spears killed you, you were considered innocent. It’s reminiscent of those lovely witch trials where it was believed that water rejected servants of the devil and if you floated you were clearly a witch and needed to be killed! But if you sank and drowned, you were considered innocent of all witchcraft. Phew, that’s a relief!

In a previous video, I mentioned these definitions of Makarrata and was accused of disinformation! Clearly, the ABC and the Encyclopedia Britannica are nought but purveyors of harmful disinformation and need to be sent to trial!

But of course, the stated definition of Makarrata with regards to the Uluru Statement is not violent at all! According to the Indigenous Law Centre, Makarrata means “a coming together after a struggle”. “A Makarrata Commission would have two roles: Supervising a process of agreement-making, and Overseeing a process of truth-telling.”

Whatever Makarrata means, the PM is not having it anymore! It’s done, it’s finished, or at least the funding of it. Earlier this week, the ABC reported, “PM discards commitment to set up Makarrata body despite millions in funding. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese told the ABC the government was not proposing a Makarrata commission to lead truth-telling about First Nations history. A Makarrata commission had been an election promise and the government had allocated $5.8 million towards its establishment.” Geez! A politician not keeping their word? That can’t be right!

Independent Senator Lidia Thorpe was a bit upset posting on Instagram, “Labor are no different to the opposition when it comes to justice for our people. I’ll keep fighting for a National Truth and Justice commission, and for Treaty.” She also tweeted, “This broken promise shows Albanese and the new Minister for Indigenous Australians still refuse to listen to First Peoples.” And, “Albanese is now trying to say Labor never promised a Makarrata Commission. Maybe he should take a look at his own website. Gaslighter.” Sometimes I love Lidia Thorpe… just when she’s attacking Albo.

The PM has downplayed the need for a commission insisting he had not changed his position. “Makarrata is a Yolŋu word that simply means coming together after a struggle. I’m somewhat perplexed at why people see that as being complex.” Even the left-leaning Crikey have come after him, “Anthony Albanese’s shifting stance on the Makarrata Commission is cowardly. What Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person could actually say we get a better deal when a Labor government is in power?”

The Prime Minister was even fact-checked by the AAP. “WHAT WAS CLAIMED: Anthony Albanese did not propose a truth and justice commission as part of Makarrata. OUR VERDICT: False. Mr Albanese committed to a Makarrata Commission to oversee a national process for treaty and truth-telling.”

It seems like Albo is spreading harmful disinformation. He’s being attacked from both the Left and the Right. But only one question remains: Now that Makarrata is on the way out, does that also mean the PM is on the way out?

Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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