Best of Michael Collins Piper (MCP) June 2009 (2 of 2) Michael Jackson murdered

5 months ago

James Von Bruun holocaust museum shooting
20 the jews hate US – if they could round us up, they would
The mass media are liars
47 Rabbi calling for war and murder of non-jews & destroying their holy sites
Old Testament= Jewish book of violence
Jews destroying Bethlehem
James Von Bruun was nobleman
Jews may kill 33% of Jews, for their agenda
1.15 Attack of the killer tomatoes - Jewish caller
Jewish holocaust survivor lies
99 MCP movie script
How to enter Israel
CIA (Israel) tactics of supporting small groups to overthrow governments
Irish holocaust
2400 years to cremate 6 million Jews using 1 chamber
Christopher Bollyn tailing MCP in Mexico
3.22 Hasidic Jews follow the Talmud
Nazis Clean highway - Jews rename the highway
3.31 genetic studies destroy Khazar conspiracy theory
Israeli Security Company guards nuclear plants
Iran elections
4.25 Thomas Jefferson quote re Jesus & Jews
Clark Clifford scum - blame the Russians for USS liberty
The mirror of Judaism - project
4.54 Michael Jackson
5.07 target Traficant
5.13 Benjamin Netanyahu quote re shooting people
Jewish girl hates Christian prays at school, Court Case
8 Jews stealing art
Madeline Albright stole from Christian family – holding menorah when she was a 5 year old girl
Andrew St George
Jewish Ritual Murder JRM
Israel attacks aid supplies boat Cynthia McKinney
Quotes by past presidents re Jews
Iran savak secret police setup by Israel
Goldman Sachs
James Von Bruun - citizen’s arrest of the Federal Reserve System
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