OP2408-02-2 After Action Report

7 months ago


In Northwestern Chernarus, intelligence staff for 3rd Battalion, Chernarus 3rd Separate Tank Brigade, received intelligence from local friendly agents in and around the village of Stary Saltov, and from analysis of electronic intercepts, text and email, the separatist forces had moved in and taken over the village of Stary Saltov.

Battalion operations staff issued a warning order for the assembly of an armored task force with orders to attack and clear the village. It was unclear in the friendly agents' reports just what forces were inside the village. Other reports indicated that Serb infantry and Spanish infantry were patrolling both inside the town and outside to the north. Local levies also were assigned defensive roles by the two civilian criminal command operatives overseeing the operation.

Aside from the orders to attack and clear Stary Saltov, the task force had orders to attack and clear an enemy mortar battery which had been set up northwest of town.

The task force consisted of three T-72 tanks, two BMP rifle squads, and two BRDM scout cars. The tactical plan for the attack was for the three tanks to attack on a broad front to the southern Edge, as command Squad and 2nd Squad followed on mounted, and then dismounted to attack into the interior of the village. But before the attack could take place, 2nd Squad was ambushed by an enemy T-64 tank, which brought 2nd Squad under machine gun fire.

Commander ordered the task force's three tanks to attack the enemy tank, an action which disabled the tank, forcing the enemy crew to dismount and defend as infantry. Once the tank was destroyed, the task force set about in its preparations for the attack on the village.

Command Squad, which also is the task force's assault element, entered into town from the southwest, and immediately began to engage local levies, as well as Serb infantry. Meanwhile, 2nd Squad continued its attack by entering the village on the southeastern corner and advancing northwards. Once 2nd Squad began its attack, commander ordered Tank 1 to attack and destroy the mortar battery, which was done very quickly.

The two enemy civilian criminal command operatives attempted to flee Stary Saltov, but were caught by Command Squad rifleman and eliminated. From their persons commander seized intelligence data in the form of documents and a cell phone.

As Command Squad continued its assault to the north, enemy counter attacks were developing, hitting Tank 1 which was positioned on the northwest corner of the village. Tank 1 repelled those attacks. To the northeast of the village were positioned Tank 2 and Tank 3 which were firing on enemy armor as they appeared. Several units of enemy heavy and light armor were destroyed. An enemy Mi-8 gunship also was shot down.

Battalion operations staff deemed the operation a success and ordered the task force to withdraw and pull back south to the village of Yashkuhl.

During the pullback, Command Squad came under heavy rifle fire, from Wagner Group operators. Command Squad took up a position south of town and oversaw the pullback. The task force pulled back in good order and without losses.

Losses were moderate. There were no heavy equipment losses. Command Squad lost three, 2nd Squad lost five.

Field counts of enemy losses included one T-64 tank, one BRDM scout car, one BMP, one BTR, one technical, and one Mi-8 gunship.

Analysis of the material seized from the enemy operatives indicated that the separatists were planning a major advance south, starting with Stary Saltov. The intelligence indicated that the separatists did not expect a timely response from friendly forces, the reason why the enemy's response was so weak.

It is unclear to battalion intelligence staff how the separatists intend to respond to the taking of Stary Saltov. 3rd Brigade command staff wants to Launch a new operation.

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