Sharing My Letters to Senator Saxby Chambliss

6 months ago



Mike King: Q Intel Drop - What Happens Next Will Shock the World!

They are also using CGI to show big crowds. What losers

I'm surprised the guys missed the play on words with Walz. Harris is supposedly the "Border Czar".....Trump worked so hard to get the border WALL built.....and now, the new running mate for Harris is Walz..." walls"?

Is it just me?

Tim Walz's Pro-Israel Record REVEALED

I knew even before looking into this guy he was scum. You know my secret? HE MADE IT TO THE TOP. Very simple. Anybody who is not scum can't make it anymore.

JAG Indicts Tim Walz


What Kamala Achieved. What Kamala Has Done

What Kamala Achieved is to ruin this country
Bizarre Laugh. Har har har. Anti-PHL.

What is a PHL.

It means Poop Hole Lover - thus that like it up the ass.
Kamala SNEERS At Gaza Protesters 'YOU WANT TRUMP'
Kamala's Viral "I'm Speaking" Moment Reveals Her Pro-Israel Policy Stance

The irony of her “I’m speaking” catchphrase while simultaneously dodging interviews and actual questions is phenomenal
Harris rejects claims she would support Israel arms embargo

Kamala Harris will not support an arms embargo on Israel, her national security adviser says, a day after the presidential candidate was heckled by pro-Palestinian protesters at a rally in Detroit.
Kamala Affirms Support For Biden's Israel Policy; Interview: Human Rights Group B'Tselem Documents Widespread Abuses of Palestinian Prisoners
Israeli guard says conditions for Palestinian prisoners 'made his stomach turn'

The world sees the truth about İsrail and this is sick.


This WITCH gets in... moving to Mexico!


Political/Geopolitical Report
Ep. 3422b - Biden Never Ended His Campaign, All Roads Lead To Obama, Final Battle (78 min)

The [DS] pushed Biden out, but he never ended his campaign. [KH] is using his Presidential ID so they can receive the war chest. Trump has an hour-long press conference while [KH] does zero, the people see it. All roads lead to Obama, the [DS] have taken the bait and soon the people will know the truth. This is the final battle, if America falls the world falls.



The secret battle for the planet earth part II: Donald Trump takes the stage

The secret history of the planet Earth from 2000 to 2018

As we prepare for what may be the final autumn offensive that finally overthrows the Khazarian mafia cabal, it’s a good time to look at the big picture to understand why a secret battle for the planet Earth has been raging all these years.
The best place to start is still the U.S. election of the year 2000, which was a coup d’état against American democracy that started the Nazi Fourth Reich headed by Fuhrer George Bush, Sr. That election was between two Western secret government factions: Faction 1—the Nazis, who wanted to kill 90% of humanity in order to “save the environment”; and Faction 2—the Global Warming faction, who said this could be accomplished by using “global warming” as an excuse to impose a carbon tax and a world government.
The Asians founded a group of Western allies who became what is known as the White Dragon Society (WDS). This group includes senior people in the Pentagon, the CIA, the Russian FSB, the British Royal Family, Freemasonry, the Vatican P2 Lodge, etc.
This group attempted to bankrupt the U.S. in 2008 with the engineered Lehman shock as a way to bankrupt the U.S. Deep State—the Khazarian mafia in the U.S. The Americans were told at the time they were no longer able to buy goods from the rest of the world on credit. That is why the U.S. trade deficit went from over U.S. $696 billion in 2008 to $381 billion in 2009 after the Lehman shock.>
The attempt to bankrupt the U.S. Deep State would have succeeded, too, except for the fact that the U.S. forced Middle Eastern client states to cut the price of oil they sold to the U.S., and the Chinese were fooled into supporting Communist agent Barack Obama and financing his regime. Only later did they realize he was just a Bush/Clinton/Rockefeller slave.


My 2nd Reply

29 March 2012

Dear Senator Saxby Chambliss,

I am very happy to receive a reply and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I would like you to know I have also received a reply from President Obama and I did reply to him.

White House Reply

My Reply to Obama
You said, “A nuclear-armed Iran would pose a significant threat not only to the United States and the Middle East but also to the rest of the world. They should not and cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons.” Have you seen this full documentary – The BBC Film That Exposed Israel’s Secret Illegal Nuclear Weapons?
Iran signed the NPT (Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty), Iran joined the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency), allowed IAEA inspectors to their facilities, Iran did not Invade Anyone, Iran didn’t have any nukes.


Israel refused to sign the NPT, Israel refused to join the IAEA, refused to allow IAEA inspectors to their Secret Illegal Nuclear Facilities, Israel invaded all of their neighbors, and openly committed genocide and ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians & Israel has hundreds of Nukes.
We MUST do our very best to stop Netanyahu's government from bombing Iran because there is too much to risk in the Middle East if he does so. The stability of the entire region would be subject to further threat, and I don’t think the US Israel, or any of the other Middle Eastern countries would want that. Imagine the phenomenal spike we would see in oil prices if that were to happen!
Please Visit INFOWARS.COM for the truth about what’s really going on…. Do it for the United States, Do it for the world.

911 Israel Mossad Did It

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: Senator Saxby Chambliss <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 27, 2012 1:39 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Ms. Sun Wah:

Thank you for contacting me regarding Iran. I appreciate hearing from you.

As you are aware, Iran is developing a nuclear program which they claim is for civilian use. However, the technology and scientific knowledge required for uranium enrichment for a civilian energy program is very similar to that which is needed for a weapons program. Iran has failed to comply with its Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty obligations by hampering International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections and refusing to answer IAEA questions regarding past work by Iran’s military on weapons design and other applicable work. Combined, this information leads me to believe that Iran may be intent on developing nuclear weapons. Its leaders continue to exhibit blatant disregard for the international community.
A nuclear-armed Iran would pose a significant threat not only to the United States and the Middle East but also to the rest of the world. They should not and cannot be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Therefore, I am an original cosponsor of S.RES.380, which expresses the sense of the Senate regarding the importance of preventing the Government of Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons capability. I hope that the international community, in conjunction with the efforts of the IAEA and the U.N. Security Council, is able to curb any attempts by Iran to develop such a capability.
In addition to having nuclear aspirations, Iran is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world and is working actively against U.S. and coalition forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. This type of behavior is abhorrent, and the U.S. must take action and enact additional sanctions against Iran.
To that end, the 111th Congress passed the “Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010” (P.L. 111-195) with my support. This law aims to further deter Iran from proceeding with its nuclear program by calling for expanded economic sanctions against individuals who provide assistance to Iran’s refined petroleum and gasoline industry. It also allows state or local governments to divest their assets from any individual or financial institution that contributes to the development of Iran’s petroleum sector. I remain committed to ensuring the U.S. enforces these sanctions and further deters Iran’s ability to acquire nuclear weapons.
Moreover, I share your concerns for the protection of basic human rights in Iran, and I agree that the United States should continue to encourage greater respect for human rights and democracy throughout the world. These basic rights include economic and political freedoms; the right to express a political opinion, to petition the government, and to freely practice one's religion.
As Vice Chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, I will continue to closely monitor the situation in Iran. Should legislation regarding this issue come before the Senate, I will keep your thoughts in mind.


20 February 2012

Dear Senator Saxby Chambliss,

Today is World Harmony Day I have just written to President Obama with the hope that he can stop the Netanyahu government from bombing Iran and let diplomacy succeed because the world cannot afford another war.

Thanks for all your support.


Sunflower Chong


My Reply

3 January 2012

Dear Senator Saxby Chambliss,

Thanks, but no thanks! I am very disappointed with you because you have sent me a response without letting me know what your thoughts are on the Palestinian issue. Or do you not have any concerns because you simply don’t care? Thirteen Senators replied to me with concern and from you, I receive a blank reply as though the loss of life is of no concern to you. If you would please go to the link I have provided here, you can read my reply to the other Senators.
The Palestinian people’s land was stolen from them by the Jews and after 63 years of suffering, especially recently in Gaza, don’t you think it is time they deserved to have a homeland? Should we not help them to have a homeland if the world so desires World Peace and Harmony?
Have you read the recent article “The settlers’ movement is a threat to Israel’s existence” on 12/30/2011 by ALON BEN-MEIR? The writer is a professor of international relations at the Center for Global Affairs at NYU. He teaches international negotiation and Middle Eastern studies. Here is the link to his article:
Following is an excerpt of what he said about the settlers, “This is no longer just a small group of criminals and vandals who are out to burn or daub inflammatory graffiti on the walls of Palestinian mosques or vandalize an Israeli military base. This is a clear manifestation of a movement determined to control any future political agenda in the West Bank and will not be, as Netanyahu seems to believe, easily eradicated.
Notwithstanding the Netanyahu government's “revulsion” at the settlers’ criminal acts, these settlers know where Netanyahu and his cohorts really stand as long as the government continues to authorize the construction of new housing in the heart of Palestinian neighborhoods. What is needed here are fundamental policy changes that must first cease construction and secondly commit in deeds (and not in empty rhetoric) to a two-state solution, or the Netanyahu government runs the risk of the settlements becoming a self-consuming cancer.
The behavior of these radical settlers must be condemned in the strongest possible terms, but the real culprits are not the settlers but the Netanyahu government, which was committed from day one to defying the Palestinian reality and the international community and has, above all, engaged in excessive self-denial to the detriment of Israel’s future. No one but Netanyahu is to blame for this horrifying development. If he has one ounce of integrity left in him he should resign.”
Now do you see where the real problem lies with the continuing conflict even as this journalist justifiably calls for Netanyahu’s resignation? So what are you going to do as a Senator? What’s the world going to do because the Jews keep changing the talk points and moving the goalposts?
At least now we have some glimmer of hope as the more moderate Jewish people are taking a stand to speak out about the injustice of the Netanyahu government. Therefore, I hope the Americans can muster the courage to stand up for the Palestinians instead of simply backing the Jews and Israel without question.
Many of us in the world are very disappointed by the lack of balanced and fair treatment for the Palestinians and their pursuit of their own homeland. To have a JUST WORLD America, and you, Senator, must lead the way.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong


From: “” <>
Sent: Friday, December 30, 2011 3:01 AM
Subject: Responding to your message

Dear Mr. Sun Wah:

Thank you for contacting my office and sharing your thoughts and concerns. I always value all feedback and advice from my fellow Georgians.

As your United States Senator, I look forward to hearing from all of my constituents from the State of Georgia, especially when they have concerns or problems, need guidance or information, or want to share any other matters of interest with me. Your comments and suggestions help me to better represent the people of Georgia in the United States Senate.

If you would like to receive timely email alerts regarding the latest congressional actions and my weekly e-newsletter, please sign up via my website at: Please do not hesitate to be in touch if I may ever be of assistance to you.


3 December 2011

Dear Senator Saxby Chambliss,

I hope to get your support for this Petition for a Palestinian State.

The success of the “Arab Spring” tells us that a “Global Spring” is possible to achieve, too. And it can begin with nothing more than a click of your mouse supporting our petition. The Palestinian people need our support now more than ever, for a “Global Spring” to finally achieve a homeland for their people. To build a better world, everyone must care. We must have strong faith that we can build a better world for all.

On behalf of the Palestinian people, I thank you all very much for your support. Please spread the word.

Love, light, peace, harmony, and unity,

Sunflower Chong

Founder of

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