vehicle comes to farmers aid

7 months ago


1.Something threaten's food supply.
Politicians and bureaucrats.
Wants to shut down water.
So farmers can't grow their crops.
Without crops, farms close down.
There would be a food shortage.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

2.Bureaucrats want farmland.
Give to property developers.
So they build houses.
Or build golf courses.
At the water plant.
Water is shut down.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

3.Farmers no longer getting water.
In couple of weeks.
Water is drying up.
Food crops are failing.
Farmer people are mad.
Gonna have war with bureaucrats.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

4.Bureaucrats thought of everything.
Deployed army force.
To protect water plant.
No one trys turning water on.
Force farmers of the farmland.
Farmers are devastated.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

5.Farmers and army at standoff.
Roaring noise interrupts.
Noise coming from a light.
Down the road getting closer.
Bright light blinded eyes.
Then revealing grinding machine.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

6.Army pointed their guns.
Grinding vehicle roars.
Army gave up and ran away.
The vehicle to water plant.
Vehicle roared, army gave up.
Vehicle disappears.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem

7.Farmers turn on water.
Water flowing again.
Food crops now growing.
Bureaucratic nonsense gone.
Farmers won the war.

Vehicle comes to farmers aid.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.
Chorus lead
Hope in machine armour.
Bureaucrat create problems.
Farmers suffering need help.
Vehicle sorting out the problem.

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