The more you know 🤔🤔🤔

2 months ago
About the photo:
Incoming Bangladeshi PM has ties to the CIA - Wikileaks.
Muhammad Yunus, the microloan mogul, and incoming interim PM, has been "welcomed" into the position by Washington. However, WikiLeaks documents reveal a close relationship between him and the US even before the country fell into crisis.
Unpopular Bangladeshi Prime Minister Hasina has recently fled the country, amid country-wide riots. Is there room to question the authenticity of said riots? 🤨
Read the article:
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PS. I have decided to not monetize my channel because I'm just the messenger and I don't feel right about making money off of others hard work...
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I am ---> "Conspiracy theorist: Someone who questions the statements of known liars."
Imagine a Vaccine so safe you have to be threatened to take it for a disease so deadly you have to be tested to know you have it. 🤔🤔🤔
“This country, America, has been around for over 240 years and we have never had one president who was assassinated by a person with no ties to the U.S. government.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr
Must watch 49 minuits 40 seconds 👀👀👀
How did we get so sick and suddenly need hospital's and big pharma to help us with the common cold.
This video is fascinating and looks deep into our health and how we should be living.

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