"Plandemic 2.0: FDA To Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) For mRNA Bird-Flu Shots"

1 month ago

July 29-August 4 News
Podcast starts @2:45

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More details unfolding from assassination attempt on President Trump & my thoughts, Pandemic 2.0: FDA To Grant Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) For mRNA Bird-Flu Shots, The Tables Turn: Pfizer Accused of Misinformation in Landmark Kansas Lawsuit, Hacking of EudraVigilance data reveals massive coverup of vaccine injuries in the Netherlands, The pandemic-vaccine industry is desperate; for the next “pandemic” they want to use police and even NATO to force vaccination on people, Georgia Counted Thousands of Duplicate Ballots during 2020 Election Software Expert Reveals, Election Red Flag: Postal Service watchdog warns some mailed ballots may be delayed/not counted, Epidemic of Child Sex Abuse in School Sparks Outrage, Updates on Israel and IDF soldiers abusing Palestinian prisoner, Venezuelan Election results/riots, Reason for UK riots and more news regarding border crisis,c19 jab, the election and more. The Lord is waking more and more people up. United we stand divided we fall. Be informed so you can prepare accordingly. Read your bible and spend time with family. The Lord's story has already been written. Please like and share! Thank you for all the love and support.









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