Hope After Suicide - A Poem

6 months ago

This poem came to me shortly after my dad took his own life. There is hope to be found after loss. We are loved more than we could imagine. We have a mighty Father, who formed us out of nothing, and knows the true purpose we were created for. Love is the key, and humility let's us know Him better. Never let them take your hope.

When someone is gone,
and their life is not,
press on toward the goal,
with what life you got.
When my dad left me
and much love behind,
my Father told me,
"My son, you are mine!"
Still there are times when
tears stream down my face,
suddenly taking,
not leaving a trace;
times when i tighten
as hard as I can,
so that others will think
that I'm still a man.
Father, forgive me!
I was armed with the Truth.
But,did I remember
the love of my youth?
My tongue was a sword
that I slashed in vain.
When the dust stood still,
my loved one was slain.
Have mercy, Father,
for I killed this man,
if he drowned at sea,
life raft in my hand.
What good is it if
you know what is true,
without giving out
what you want for you?
I plowed and planted
so many new seeds.
But every sprout knows,
the love is what feeds.
Spirit and Truth, yes,
but love is the key.
If you're missing love,
You're missing all three.

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