Hindus in India are uniting in powerful solidarity marches with their Hindu

3 months ago

Hindus in India are uniting in powerful solidarity marches with their Hindu brothers in Bangladesh, who are being cleansed by Islam.

Similar heartbreaking marches are taking place in America, Europe, and Canada for Islam's other victims.

From Africa to Europe and across the globe, Islamic terrorism is destroying communities, leaving non-Muslims with no choice but to march and beg their governments for help.

In the West, people have been rallying against the kidnappings, rapes, and slaughter of Jews by Islamic terrorists in Israel. In the UK, citizens are standing against the grooming of their Christian daughters; in Ireland, the public is opposing the slaughter of their fellow citizens. This wave of heartbreak and protest is sweeping through Germany, Sweden, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

The common thread is clear: Islam is a global threat, and our governments are failing to protect us.

These marches are a cry for help, a plea for our leaders to take action and stop the destruction of our communities, to stop the spread of Islam, and to protect non-Muslims.

The message is unmistakable, but our Western governments continue to ignore our pleas and flood our communities.

Today it is Bangladesh, tomorrow it will likely be your country and your home!

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