Rabbi says, “Christians will worship us jews. We start wars and call them to clean it up."

2 months ago

Rabbi says, “Christians will worship us jews. We start wars and call them to clean it up."
Christians are going to get to watch as these evil fucks are thrown into hellfire 😉👊
I believe my Lord wants me to cut your fn head off.
The Jews do start the wars to get the idiots in our government to go to war, but that's what the Jews pay them for. Unless the people rise up and get rid of the Jews the wars will never stop nor will the genocide. The Jews always start wars, and the stupid White people go, it's just as they planned. People need to remember that the Jews outright said they want the White race destroyed. The more wars they start the more Whites they can kill off. Whites need to refuse the call to war. Let the Jews be on their own, and hope the Arabs destroy them
I prefer death over bowing down to a demon kike rat. Literally. All those who falsely call themselves Christians obviously haven't understood one iota of the passions of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, the ultimate rebel against satanic jewery.
Exactly the Gospels on the aggregate can easily be interpreted as the antithesis to judaism and should be as it is the truth of why they were written. A clear message not to follow judaism nor pay heed to its advocates .Whenever Jesus saw jews, he denoted they were jews, he didn't view them as his people but as his distinct enemy. All throughout the Gospels this is the case. He groaned inside whenever he had to see them or deal with them, this is written many times
The jew destroys all including itself in the end. It cries out in pain seeking consolation while it’s killing you.

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