8/8/24 mystery are being presented to be revealed.❤️

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Ephesians 3:5
[This mystery] was never disclosed to human beings in past generations as it has now been revealed to His holy apostles (consecrated messengers) and prophets by the [Holy] Spirit.

Colossians 1:26-28
The mystery of which was hidden for ages and generations [from angels and men], but is now revealed to His holy people (the saints),
To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of [realizing the] glory.
Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One).

, Planes and Automobiles
August 8, 2024 Veronika West
So all day I have heard these words going round and round in my Spirit — “Trains… Planes and Automobiles!”
This initially caught my attention, because it’s a Movie that I watched many years ago: “Planes, Trains & Automobiles“.

As I stopped and began to lean into the repetitive phrase, The Holy Spirit began to give me an Urgency in my Spirit to pray concerning coordinated Terror Attacks concerning Trains, Planes and Automobiles!
While the title of the Movie is in fact “Planes, Trains & Automobiles,” I believe The Holy Spirit is highlighting“TRAINS” — as it was the first Word in the phrase Ive kept hearing!
Furthermore, I submit this particular Movie speaks to something very specific that The LORD desires to highlight at this time (besides the obvious Trains, Planes and Automobiles….)
Could it be certain Names, Places and Timing?
God is never random and always speaks with layers of Prophetic Revelation and Insight!
Blessings to you all.
~ by Veronika West

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