8-7-24 Daniel's Prophecy of Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Lesson 5

2 months ago

Lesson four we looked at Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and for this lesson I wan to back up to verse 31 and look through verse 40. Before we get there just let me say a few things about time and what where things progress over time. I believe we are witnessing the collapse of world powers and it seems to be a deliberate destruction of world empires, and the united states being one of them. As we look around the globe we see the UK on the verge of civil war, On January 16 2024 farmers poured manure in front of city buildings, The French have experienced riots like never before, and here in the US we are witnessing a collapse in morality and our financial institutions are about to crumble. The reason we witness all of these things is because it has always been the corruption of the heart of man and a lot of nations to go the way of the flesh which ultimately leads to collapse and ruin. Man, always tries to establish itself on its own wisdom, greed, selfishness, and power but in the end, like all nations before, the wisdom of man always ends up in the same place from which it came and eventually falls into ruin.

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