The Enemies Of Israel-NOW THE END BEGINS-AUG 7 2024

7 months ago

As of this writing, the world is watching and waiting for Iran, one of the sworn enemies of Israel, to attack the Jewish nation in their ongoing multi-generational hostilities. From its inception, Israel has always been surrounded by enemies as a ‘peculiar people’ and a ‘stranger in a strange land’. Being regathered back in 1948 did nothing to end the world’s distaste of the Jews, and they have been at war for the past 76 years. Even in Israel now, the Jews feel no peace and security, they on constantly on edge due to their enemies. But as you shall see, this is nothing new for them. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking at the enemies of the Jews and Israel in the distant past, in the hyper-present of 2024, and in the time of Jacob’s trouble which is to come. It will not be until the Millennial Reign of King Jesus, sitting on the throne of David in Jerusalem, that the Jews will finally know what it’s like to live in peace. In fact, Zechariah tells us they will be back on top globally. Since there is a fairly good chance that war between Iran and Israel could break out during this live radio Bible study, we will bring you all the breaking news if and when it does. What’s that you say? ‘Wars and rumours of wars’? You better believe it, Christian in the end times, so buckle up.

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