Traitor By Dennis Potter. BBC RADIO DRAMA

6 months ago

In a dingy flat in Moscow he sits alone - a traitor to his family, his friends, his colleagues. Then the international press descend upon him. and he gives his first interview - an interview which brings forth terrible, haunting memories.
Harris .... Denholm Elliott
James .... Ian Ogilvy
Simpson .... Alan White
Blake .... Don Fellows
Sir Arthur .... William Fox
The Master .... Jack May
Lady Emma .... Jane Thomson
Adrian .... Matthew Ryan
Thomas .... Gregory de Polnay
Cole-Mackinson .... Jean Rogers
Policeman/Agent .... Martin Friend
Michaelov/Man .... John Church
Duty clerk .... Danny Schiller
Craig .... David Griffin
Written by Dennis Potter
Adapted for radio by Derek Hoddinott
Directed by Derek Hoddinott
First broadcast on the BBC World Service in April 1981

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