Dr Berry- which Oils to Cook With, which to Avoid, & outlining the LDL Cholesterol Hoax

6 months ago

Interesting about Canola, which I'll have to research further
what I did research showed it's higher in omega 3s, omega 3/6 ratio and less unsaturated IIRC. So it must be bad for some other reason having to do with how it's processed. It's a specific type of rapeseed oil.
I have heard the omega consensus is a literal duplicate snake oil scam. Hard to process at first. That fish have yellow flesh disease all over the world, maybe from being contaminated by fish farms. Separately, that omega 3's are made to look good in the studies vs omega 6 by decreasing the dosage in the patients that take omega 3, or something like that, when in rality they're both bad for you even equally bad for you. I haven't researched it yet but will post vids here when I do: fish oil and canola.

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