Lions Gate Portal 888 The Power of 8

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What is 888 lions gate portal?
This year, 2024, is an 8 universal year in numerology (2+0+2+4=8), making this an 8-8-8 Lions Gate Portal. Some interpret repeatedly seeing the number 8 as a sign that you are on the right path and that abundance, success, and personal power are in your future if you continue your current course of action.

What is the significance of the Lions Gate?
This lions gate is the powerful time to manifest goals and desires, make it a deal for attracting abundance and positive change. These energies facilitates healing. This is a time for releasing the pas traumas, old patterns and anything that no longer serves you and look for the new beginnings.

What is special today 888?
Abundance and Prosperity: The number 888 is often associated with abundance, prosperity, and financial success. During the Lion's Gate Portal, this angel number magnifies the potential for manifesting wealth and abundance, aligning perfectly with the portal's energies of new beginnings and positive change.

What happens when the Lions Gate portal opens?
August 8 is believed as the day of the opening of the Lion's Gate Portal, a cosmic event that is thought to create an ideal moment for manifesting your desires. This day follows an auspicious cosmic alignment that is ideal for manifesting abundance, prosperity, and more.

What does the Lions Gate effect?
The Lion's Gate Portal, an annual cosmic event on August 8th, was marked by the alignment of Earth, star Sirius, and the Sun in Leo. This alignment was believed to enhance spiritual awakening, providing an opportunity for setting intentions, manifesting desires, and personal transformation.

What time to manifest on Lions Gate portal?
The portal is “open” between July 26 and August 12 but its powers are most potent today, making it the prime time to manifest exactly what you want.

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