#RoyalCam 2017 highlights: Tūmanako has fledged!

6 months ago

Here's a possible description and hashtags for the #RoyalCam 2017 highlight:

**Description:** "The moment we've all been waiting for! Our beloved Tūmanako has finally fledged from the Royal Cam nest! Watch as this little kārearea (New Zealand falcon) takes to the skies for the first time, marking a major milestone in its young life. #RoyalCam #Tūmanako #Fledging"

**Hashtags:** #RoyalCam #Tūmanako #Fledging #Kārearea #NewZealandFalcon #WildlifeCameras #BirdsOfAFeather #Conservation #NatureLovers #WildlifeEnthusiasts

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