Episode 192, "Follow the Money"

7 months ago

-Andrew For America finishes talking about the Olympics, and then pivots to talking about the "big club," the central banking system, the history of inflation, money printing, government spending, how taxation is theft, the gold standard, treasury bonds, debt slavery, how capitalism empowers the individual, how communism works, secret societies, the importance of bravery and courage, willful ignorance, the birth of religions, and how BRICs is a threat to our reserve currency. Andrew plays clips from Joe Rogan, Gerard DGAF, Dave Smith, Andrew Tate, Simon King, Andy Frisella, David Graeber, Bill Cooper, Alan Greenspan, Ray Dalio, RFK on the Shaun Ryan podcast, Bek Lover on the Julian Dorey podcast, even Skeletor and Sonic the Hedgehog!

-The song selection is the song, "Call of the Void" by the band Deny.

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