India Pastors Releasing the Glory for Multiplication 080824

5 months ago

Pastor Greg shares with 100 Pastors the vision to grow the ministry.
Power (Holy Spirit)
Dear Pastor Greg Young
Thank and Praise God that it was so blessed and powerful pastors meeting today, around 150 pastors came in this meeting, all of us are so blessed with the powerful Word of God shared today, so many pastors were healed and got encouraged with your special prayers. Three pastor were healed from sever back pain, two pastors were healed from fever and one pastor kendey stone pain is gone he believed that it’s disappeared, four sisters pastors were healed from neck pain and many were touched with power of Holy Spirit. After the meeting we helped all pastors with travels fare and provided them special dinner to all the pastors.
In this meeting we provided three bicycles to the young boys who were under threat of kidnapping, they are going to school on their feet now by God’s grace Pastor Greg donated three bicycles to these young children. We give all glory to God.
Thank you Pastor Greg Young for your prayers and support for the Ministries we are doing under your spiritual leadership.
We all are praying for you, family, Chosen Generation Radio Ministries and all our brothers and sisters who have giving sacrificially for the Ministries for Punjab India
God bless you all
Yours in Christ

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