Everything You Do

7 months ago

UK-based duo, Dan Armstrong and singer/writer, Sarah B LadyBnow are back yet again with another track!
This time, creating a more up-beat song with uplifting lyrics, "Everything You Do" is something a little different.
The song is inspired by finally meeting someone who respects and loves you on equal terms. No imbalance in feelings, mutual qualities and interests. A very rare and special thing, hence the words "l thank you baby for everything you do.
As such, Sarah brings her emotive and rich vocals with Dan's production, combing ethereal, atmospheric soundscapes with a punchy vibe. A rhythmical off-beat synthbass-line and strong back-beat result in a unique Pop production that is captivating, moving and very catchy: a combination that will reverberate with music-lovers globally.

Video credits are down to the fantastic contributors at www.pexels.com:
louis quintero
Uzunov Rostislav
Ricardo Esquivel
Dan Cristian Pădure
tunnel motions

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