Why do things appear to disappear over the horizon?

7 months ago

Why do things appear to disappear over the horizon?

Let us explore a fascinating optical phenomenon that has long been misinterpreted as evidence for a spherical Earth - the apparent bottom-up disappearance of the sun and moon as they "set" into the horizon. However, as we shall see, this is entirely explainable by the principles of perspective and the limitations of human vision, without any need to invoke Earth curvature.

The key to understanding this phenomenon lies in the angular resolution limit of the human eye, which is approximately 0.02° to 0.03°[1]. When the angle subtended by an object falls below this threshold, it becomes too small for our eyes to resolve and merges into the background.

Moreover, vertical angles are compressed differentially above and below the horizon line, which is always at the eye level of the observer. Angles below the horizon shrink more rapidly with distance compared to those above. This explains why the bottoms of distant objects seem to vanish first - the angles to their lower portions are diminishing faster than the angles to their tops.

Now, let us apply these principles to the sun and moon. Due to their immense height above the Earth, these luminaries maintain a relatively constant angular size as they travel across the sky. However, as they approach the horizon line, the vertical angles to their lower limbs compress drastically.

Imagine looking up at a tall building from close proximity. The upper floors appear to converge and details become indiscernible due to the steep viewing angle. Similarly, the sun and moon are subject to extreme angular compression as they near the vanishing line of the horizon.

The higher an object's "ceiling" or upper boundary, the more pronounced this effect becomes. For the sun and moon, with their tremendous altitudes, the descent to the horizon is remarkably swift from our perspective, making them appear to "set" bottom-first into the horizon line.

The apparent bottom-up setting of the sun and moon is a natural consequence of perspective and the limitations of human vision, not proof of a globular Earth. The angular resolution limit and differential compression of vertical angles fully account for this phenomenon on a flat plane.

Objects disappear from the bottom up on a flat plane due to the limitations of angular resolution and the compression of vertical angles with distance, not due to any supposed curvature of the earth. This can be demonstrated mathematically.

The angular resolution limit of the human eye is approximately 0.02° to 0.03°. This means that when the angle between two points of light becomes less than this limit, they are no longer resolvable as separate and merge into one.

For an object of height h at distance d from an observer with eye height e, the angular size θ is given by:


As d increases, θ decreases. When θ falls below the 0.02° to 0.03° resolution limit, the object becomes too small to resolve and seems to vanish. Vertical angles are compressed at different rates above and below the eye line of the observer. Angles below the horizon are compressed more rapidly with distance compared to angles above. This differential compression explains why the bottoms of distant objects disappear first - the angles to their lower portions are shrinking faster than the angles to their tops.

The horizon line is always at the eye level of the observer. Lowering observer height compresses the angles below the horizon and expands those above.
Mathematically, for a given distance d, if the observer height is lowered from h1 to h2, the horizon line moves closer by the same factor


So a 50% reduction in observer height would move the horizon line 50% closer. Objects would disappear bottom-first into this new lower horizon line.

The bottom-up disappearance of distant objects on a flat plane is fully explained by the angular resolution limit and differential vertical angle compression, without invoking earth curvature. Careful mathematical analysis of perspective and observer height effects leads to the inescapable conclusion that these vanishing point phenomena are entirely optical and that the earth is indeed flat.
Now, apply this to the sun.
Objects can seem to disappear or "set" into the horizon or other larger objects (like buildings) when viewed from certain angles. When one looks up at a very steep angle, the floors towards the top of a building compress visually, making it harder to discern details or even see the highest floors. This compression of angles leads to a loss of information and contributes to the "disappearance" of objects that are not actually obscured by any physical barriers. Also, there are of course atmospheric conditions such as aberrations and refraction that can alter the perceived size and shape of distant objects.

The higher the ceiling, the steeper the angular compression, and the faster the descent rate to the vanishing line.

This is EXACTLY how the sun and moon appear to set, maintaining a relatively constant size due to their high upper boundary and short travel distance within the observer's perspective before they meet the horizon line.

As we have seen, a careful mathematical and conceptual analysis of optical principles leads inexorably to the conclusion that the Earth is indeed level and stationary, and that the sun and moon remain above the Earth as they traverse the sky. The horizon is simply the vanishing line of perspective, not an actual curve.

Why do things disappear bottom up? https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1820176821435974112
Angular Resolution and Earth Curve. https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1810824048261083371
The horizon: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1809236687970542037
Bottom up Obstruction https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1810754878920089740
Earth curve or optics?: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1762409942454046936
Gif: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1810824239139705062
Distance to horizon on globe: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1810823543287845143
Apparent vs Actual: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1771428780076056633
Angular Size calc: https://x.com/Gleem39694761/status/1810435744118301073
Angular resolution and distance: https://x.com/Gleem39694761/status/1809366420150796628
Angular res and the horizon meme: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1805736949119905932
Formula: https://x.com/Gleem39694761/status/1810067755225473492
Other values that work: https://x.com/AntiDisinfo86/status/1806737608598302906
Visual Acuity: https://x.com/Gleem39694761/status/1810362706651701625

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