Trump Did Not Force GA Republicans Into A Balancing Act

7 months ago

Kamala Harris, our Warrior of Joy.
Tim Walz military record and the media coverup.
September 18, nothing will stop Trump going into the courtroom and being sentenced. The narrative will change again. Trump will be sentenced as a convicted felon and Kamala being the prosecutor. On September 18, the judge had several choices: mandate the sentence,
They will get the convention bump and low and behold Trump will get the sentencing and then low and behold early voting starts.
You are on the edge of losing this country. They have this timed right out until the voting.
Hell no… attacks from Trump did not force GA republicans into a balancing act. This is all staged. Brian Kemp is in on it. It is the Uni-Party, the Establishment, WEF, Davos.
Walz is supposed to help her with the ISlamic vote in MN, MI, WI and Kemp is to do the high sign and blow off Trump to get GA back in play. Shapiro is in PA working the state.
The socialist communist Governor of MI, Whitmer. She wouldn't let you have seeds in COVID and she wants your guns. But she went on stage to back the Joyful Warrior. This is a campaign and you stand up there with your nominee, and you campaign for your nominee, you drop everything.
Trump was angry because he got snubbed by the governor, who was supposed to support the campaign. Kemp should have met him at the plane and taken the offer to go on stage at the rally.

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