Trafalgar Square Freedom Rally - England 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Is A Christian Country !

7 months ago

Q Notes 📝: July 31, 2024

The European revolution begins as over 70% of Europe rejects the Globalist CIA placed Leaders in the current elections.

· A massive exposure of the Plandemic, vaccine deaths and exposure of the virus will hit Europe. Mass anger and revolt will hit the streets as the financial systems collapse. Blackouts, Cyber Attack and False Flag Events will occur while everything is exposed.

· Russia was now at the US shores and border regions with Nuclear ships and submarines. This Event is vital as DC, CIA, DOD will make huge mistakes that will lead to exposure of Deep State Operations.

· This event was meant to shake Americans and the sleeping Sheep to awaken and see their Corrupt Leaders and System. In 2025 the Event will lead to exposure and military intervention of NATO and the CIA provocation of Russia into War.

· Tribunals and World Courts were already in the midst of indictments.

· The upcoming Russia War Nuclear Event will lead to an over haul of U.S. Military Procedures (cleaning the Deep State Military Commands) by Trump.

· When Trump comes back into office he WILL REUNITE THE WORLD.

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