OS: Story 101. Mail.

7 months ago

One School: Action Group. Game On.
I am Alec. I am a Business Power Trainer looking for people to serve… Test us…

Offer: Do you want a daily mission to develop behaviors and patterns like a boss?

I love to protect, serve, and instruct with States Constitutions.

Q: Do you know your State Constitutional rights?

Q: When was the last time you instructed your government servants?

Supreme Court, Justice GORSUCH, J. concurring. 8. C. “...the Constitution promises, the American people are sovereign…” SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES. LOPER BRIGHT ENTERPRISE v. RAIMONDO, SECRETARY OF COMMERCE, No. 22-251. Argued January 17, 2024—Decided June 28, 2024. Opinion of the Court. (Game Over.)

I never knew I had a duty and obligation to teach my Government the fundamental principles of law.

I never knew I had to assemble with my neighbors for the common good.

I never knew I had to exercise my rights and instruct my Government as one of the people.

I will present one Notice and show how we the people peacefully instruct our Government servants using the California Constitution.

Let's hangout and have some fun...

Fun fact: California State Bar annual attorney license fee: $515.

Challenge: Will people pay to learn how to flex business power?

Value: You will learn how to administer your trust entities called: Business.

One Year Access Private Membership Association Fee: $540.

Contact the Association if you wish to build behaviors and patterns like boss by God with Love.

From: Alec,(Trustee).
One PMA. Independent Living Skills. Income Resource Strategy.
Contact: (858)-405-1524
Email: financialliteracypma@gmail.com
Website: https://charity-organization-for-one-mankind.square.site/

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