X22 Report-3421-CB Has One Move-Going Down-KH Campaign An Illusion-Event At DNC?-Ad Free!

5 months ago

I’m a fan of Dave at X22 Report. Here’s the latest episode without the ads. Enjoy! ;-)

Ep. 3421a - Recession Spin Begins, Nothing To Worry About, [CB] Only Has One Move, Down She Goes

Biden admin moving forward with their failed green new scam, they are now banning plastic forks, spoon etc. Unemployment rate has risen for 4 consecutive months. The Fed is trying reassure everyone that there is no recession, the spin has begun. Time to end the endless.

Ep. 3421b - [KH] Campaign Is An Illusion,Trump All Eyes On The DNC,Is Something About To Happen?

 The [DS] is preparing for the DNC, [KH] picked the worst candidate possible, the entire campaign is one gigantic illusion. This psyop is trying to convince people that she is popular, its failing fast. Trump sends a message, all eyes on the DNC Biden might try to crash it and there might be chaos. Last time the DNC was in Chicago was 1968 and Johnson dropped out of the race while riots were ongoing in the streets. Are we about to see chaos in the DNC?

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