What do the stars tell us about Mainz /Bugatti Chiron...417 km/h

6 months ago

190 views July 28, 2024 OKTV Mainz
A look at the night sky:
In this episode of "Unser Mainz", Harro Heinen and Johannes Krzeslack are guests and talk about their activities in the Astonomische Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mainz, or AAG for short.
In an interview with Celina Heger, they explain how they came to join the AAG, what topics they are particularly interested in and how many stars can be seen in the night sky with the naked eye.
Bugatti Chiron on the highway - 417 km/h
Many people have asked that we share raw footage from the GoPro from inside the car during the Top Speed test and so we did. We hope you enjoy the ride, this time from a different perspective.

It is July 2021, and it's been six years since our last trip to the Autobahn near Wittenberg, Germany. We have been to this city a few times, to remind us of the great reformer - Martin Luther. We are thankful for his hunger for Truth, his obedience to the Word of God, rather than the traditions of man and his courage to stand up to tyranny and oppression, even if it would cost him his life. We recommend the book Great Controversy, where this history is explained and reveals what is happening in our time today and where we are heading.

After our trip, on Sunday morning, we performed a speed test, but this time with the Bugatti Chiron. We also tested the Porsche 911 Turbo, Lamborghini Aventador and the Bentley Flying Spur. (Those cars are in a different video).

The section of the A2 was a 3 lane, 10 km straightaway with a light descent in the middle, so there was visibility along the whole stretch. Safety was a priority, so the circumstances had to be safe to go.
We thank God for the safety and good circumstances, as we were able to reach the speed of 414 km/h!

We hope you enjoy the video and yes, we made this video for you to feel the excitement in the Chiron, but also to consider a relationship with Jesus, who brings true love, joy and hope to anybody who comes to Him.


Radim and his video team

Full video of Bugatti Chiron vs Autobahn - Top Speed TEST
• Bugatti Chiron vs Autobahn - Top Spee...

Full video of Bugatti Veyron World Record on autobahn 402,5 km/h
• Bugatti Veyron - 402,5 km/h on autobahn

#bugatti #chiron #veyron
here coming soon-radim passer ! Podnikatel, vizionář, milovník fotbalu i rychlých aut, táta, manžel a především následovník Ježíše Krista.
An entrepreneur, a visionary, a lover of football and fast cars, a father, a husband and above all a follower of Jesus Christ.
Ein Unternehmer, ein Visionär, ein Liebhaber von Fußball und schnellen Autos, ein Vater, ein Ehemann und vor allem ein Nachfolger von Jesus Christus.
Comments Bugatti:
"Being overly German I must remark, that the driver should have used the right lanes when empty. Just to make sure, he can be easily passed by other cars."
"As an American, this is incredible. Not the speed of the car, but the fact that virtually everyone is in the right lanes."
"8:05 am wake up
7:45 am at the work"
"I paid for the whole speedometer I'm gonna use the whole speedometer"
"Lada 2105 could give you the same feeling of speed and fear on 100 km/h"
"Only a German knows that you always have to use the right lane on the autobahn because when you drive 400 kmh maybe someone come from behind with 450 kmh"
"The record of Rudolf Caracciola in the Mercedes W125 from 1938, 432.7 km/h on the A5 south of Frankfurt, still holds. After 86 years."(Highway)
"Best part of the Autobahn A2. The 40km between Ziesar and Magdeburg. There are only 2 or 3 light bends, the rest is straight ahead! You can watch the Autobahn on Google Maps. He starts at "Tank & Rast Raststätte Buckautal Nord" and goes West to Exit "Theeßen" which is 17km in Distance. Time needed: 2:45 min. If you Calculate the average Speed between the Start and the End (1km away from Exit "Theeßen"): 351km/h or 218 mph"
"This is literally taking the "I paid for the speedometer, and I'm going to use the whole damn thing!" to a whole new level."
music: Kraftwerk - Minimum-Maximum/ Autobahn
Artists: German-Austrian Sensitivity
Album: DÖF, Released: 1983, Genre: Pop
>more: https://rumble.com/v59u3cb-love-is-so-much-more-fun-than-anything-else.html
Europe walls itself in again-it's business as usual!
"Baltic defense line in Latvia gets its "dragon's teeth"

Concrete structures, also known as "Lego blocks", will be placed along Latvia's border with Russia and Belarus.

Construction is underway on the first phase of the Baltic Defence Line in Latvia's easternmost region of Latgale.

Pyramidal obstacles made of reinforced concrete have been transported on trucks to the area, where they will be used to protect the external borders of Latvia and Europe.

For now, the army is placing the obstacles together in depots owned by municipalities or state institutions near the border with Russia and Belarus.

They will then be placed at intervals along the border in places the National Armed Forces considers necessary.

"This material was used during World War II. It is still visible in forests or mosses here and there in Europe. They may look prehistoric, but, unfortunately, with the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine, they are still an effective tool," says Kaspars Lazdins, Inspector of Latvia's National Armed Forces Engineers.

"We are using these materials to not only prevent hostile action in a time of war, but to also acts as a deterrent," he adds.

The structures are being produced by local companies in the city of Daugavpils, and they will be reinforced with explosives and mines in the future.
The blocks are being produced by local companies in the city of Daugavpils.
The blocks are being produced by local companies in the city of Daugavpils.EBU
What is the Baltic Defence Line?

In January, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia jointly announced their plan to build a defensive line that would protect their external borders with Russia and Belarus following Russia's war of aggression in Ukraine.

According to the Foreign Policy Institute, the line will not include coastal defences but rather land-based bunkers, counter-mobility parks and distribution lines.

It will also include the creation of natural barriers such as trees and drainage ditches and the reinforcement of existing razor wire fences along the Lithuanian and Latvian borders with Belarus, according to the Centre for European Policy Analysis (CEPA).

The proposal for a defensive line emerged after the NATO Madrid Summit last year, during which it was agreed that significant reinforcement would be needed along the borders of Europe and NATO, which would be able to defend against a full-scale Russian invasion.

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