HEADBANGERS BALL - EP 65 - Campercore - Bonfires & S'More Metal!

7 months ago

Almost about that time to get the kids their school supplies, get the latest clothes, make sure everyone has what they need for back-to-school days, Headbangers! Have you been in a mosh pit lately?

What’s going on headbangers, Erick Benhardtson here, your host for SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball! Welcome back to the most wicked awesome Heavy Metal show on Rumble! Come on over and join us Veterans for the party up here on Freedom Hill, overlooking the beautiful Rappahannock river, broadcasting at 150,000 Watts of pure Heavy Metal power where the beer is always cold, the food is always hot, and the music is always loud. This show is filled with rock and metal from all generations. Putting this show together I just really wanted to put some country rock/metal on the show too and make it a show that everyone could enjoy from all ages and generations.

This weeks’ show is loaded with great rock and roll/metal! We have two headbangers who sent in requests through social media, (Just like the radio of the past we take requests!), our band of the week is a cross genre band that brings the rain and will make you want to throw your head off of your spinal column, I made a triple shot this week when I was listening to a band that I’d first heard that just celebrated 25 years of being an artist that has repeatedly released amazing records for headbangers, finally, we have a world premiere video that I made for a band that to this day has been immortalized on my right delt. I looked all over the internet for an official video for this band. All they have are live performances. I found that unacceptable. With the way the internet is now, bands should be making music videos of their old material and releasing those videos. But that’s okay. I went and did them a favor. The song deals with an old problem while creating a video showing a current one. Same outcome. A life changed forever.

Headbangers, I don’t know about you, but I love to get the fuck outta Dodge and go up into the woods with my friends, out to the campgrounds, road trips, a campfire, a spit, and makin hot food under the moon and stars. One of my favorite memories of being a kid was a weekend range trip. Going to the range with my family and other families, parking the RVs and 40-foot Mallard Campers in the campgrounds, heading up to the range, then going back and a craw boil, or whatever the Moms decided to make while we boys and men were off doing guy shit. The best part was when we all went to the range and shot guns. Back then, families from the farm lived off the land we tilled. And friends from the city, came to us, and partied. Our parents listened to one genre of music, we listened to “that racket!” Sitting around the campfire with the girls from the campground, a record player running off of a car battery, or listening to a hand held AM/FM radio, in the 80s, when the boom box became popular, that’s when it really got loud and we got in trouble for “stirring up a mighty ruckus” at the pavilion at Wisconsin Dells as 100 plus kids threw down to the metal bands of the day. “Hey! Enough! Y’all need to get back to your families, none of this mess is authorized after 11 O’Clock! Sorry kids!” So, what did we do? Went out on the fuckin highway and partied. That’s right, find a field, crank that volume knob to 11 and then when the party was over, convoy back to the campgrounds. Gawldamn, those were great days!

This is the greatest thing about SGT Rock’s Headbangers Ball folks. With all the “Music at your fingertips today. Whatever happened to being excited about something? Music at your fingertips is one thing. Being excited to see, “What is SGT Rock going to play next week.” Is the feeling I’m trying to bring y’all back to a time when me, my team, Baby Boomers and GenX headbangers had this show on a cable station that has since 1995 turned into an indoctrination channel for the poisoning of today’s kids. It makes me fuckin physically sick so I’m not going to mention those bastards who stopped playing music and started with a show called, “The Real World, San Francisco” and the disgusting reality TV shows and tomfuckery that has since then dumbed down those in the Millennial, GenZ, and GenA generations who you see today on social media. They’re the ones that I coined the phrase, “This is why I say it should be legal to thin the herd on a daily basis.”

And that’s sad. Because before all this indoctrination, that channel was about music, man. Just the music. The interviews, our heavy metal show on Saturday nights, our Summer. And then some fuckin suit and politician had to step in and fuck us over. That’s why I made this show. To give you that feeling you had and can have of “What’s SGT Rock going to have on the show next week?”

SGT Rock’s Headbangers Ball is not just a show; it’s a rite of passage for those who find solace in the heavy metal’s cathartic embrace, a sonic call to the headbangers, the moshers, and the fist-raisers. Keep your horns held high and that volume knob cranked to 11! This is YOUR…Headbangers Ball!

New shows every Saturday @ 1300 Eastern.

If you would like to submit a request for SGT Rock's Headbangers Ball: Follow the Channel, Like, Comment, and Share, and submit through my Socials:
Truth Social: @Tacticorememes
X: @norskemetalhead
Instagram: @sgtrocksheadbangersball

We have one house rule for the show. No Timestamps. That takes away from the enjoyment of a full watch from others. If a timestamp is identified, we reserve the right to remove your comment without notice.

PLEASE DONATE TO A MILITARY CHARITY! I encourage everyone who says, “Thank you for your service!”, that the absolute best way to do that is to donate to a military charity of your choice. All funds sent will go to a good cause to assist our Gold Star Families, Families of Fallen Warfighters, and Veterans. Anything you can give is greatly appreciated in these tough financial times. They need you, folks. Please help us Veterans, take care of our own. – SGT Rock

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Made for the Tacticorememes©™ & SGT Rock’s Headbangers Ball on Rumble by Blue Falcon Productions LLC©™ Released by Tacticorememes©™, LLC and Blue Falcon Productions LLC©™ / Copyright and Trademark 2023

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