Quit Following the Jews

6 months ago

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Quit skipping Mass
The Jews don’t go to Mass

Quit Following the Jews

Quit looking at porn
The Jews push the porn

Quit Following the Jews

Quit cursing and blaspheming Our Lord
The Jews blaspheme and curse Our Lord

Quit Following the Jews

Quit rejecting your husbands for feminism
The Jews created 2nd wave feminism

Quit Following the Jews

Quit watching bad movies and reading bad books
The Jews want you dumb because they are crooks

Quit Following the Jews

Quit being effeminate men
The Jews want the family broken

Quit Following the Jews

Quit getting abortions
The Jews love abortions

Quit following the Jews

Quit using birth control
The Jews love birth control

Quit following the Jews

Quit loving Communism
The Jews created Communism

Quit following the Jews

Quit getting divorced
The Jews want you divorced

Quit following the Jews

Quit all your fornication
The Jews push fornication

Quit following the Jews

Quit hating Jesus Christ
The Jews hate Jesus Christ

Quit following the Jews

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