UFOs, Time Travel & Project Looking Glass

6 months ago

If you ever wondered about project looking glass or project monarch? What about UFOs and time travel? Is there a lot more happening beyond our imagination? Is the government hiding Advanced technology? Is the Deep State War already over? Watch this video and learn more about these topics and more.
I do not endorse any of the content or theories about anything. This information is presented soley for your consideration. You must use your own experience and discernment when it comes to what you choose to believe. No two of us all believe the same way about every issue. That is what makes us individuals and not robots. We should embrace that and allow each other to freely hold the opinions and beliefs that fit them. We should not try to make any other fellow earthling feel bad because they hold a belief system other than ours. That is letting the enemy win. They keep us fighting each other over every other thing. We should be fighting them. As Trump said, “Fight, Fight, Fight! Enjoy and chose your own reality.

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