7 months ago


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If you are in the mood for a scientific look into biblical creationism, evidence of Noah's flood, and more, challenging the secular narrative that rejects the Bible and God altogether, this documentary is an excellent start.

Well known Geologists and experts who dared to question the scientific community present factual evidence to back up their claims. You won't be disappointed.

We are taught within secular science to believe that radioisotropic carbon dating methods are 100% accurate, yet fail to explain why Mount St Helen's eruption samples were giving us dates as millions of years old when lava flow was actually forming new material.

Radioisotropic dating only measures the half life but doesn't take into account the environmental conditions of the object being dated, which could have been much different than what we see today 1000s of years ago.

How can you adjust for environmental conditions such as heat, cold, wind, freeze, or any weather and variables that might have affected the radioactive elements found within carbon dating? We can't go back 1000s of years in time to check the weather.

No geologists were present when most rocks formed, so they cannot test whether the original rocks already contained daughter isotopes alongside their parent radioisotopes.

How about the fact that secular scientists who believe in radiometric dating just assume a constant decay rate. But evidence suggests other wise.

"The radioactive decay of uranium in tiny crystals in a New Mexico granite (Figure 5) yields a uranium-lead “age” of 1.5 billion years. Yet the same uranium decay also produced abundant helium, but only 6,000 years worth of that helium was found to have leaked out of the tiny crystals.

This means that the uranium must have decayed very rapidly over the same 6,000 years that the helium was leaking. The rate of uranium decay must have been at least 250,000 times faster than today’s measured rate! For more details see Don DeYoung’s Thousands . . . Not Billions
(Master Books, Green Forest, Arkansas, 2005), pages 65–78.

Or Dendrochronology, which is the dating method of counting tree rings. Trees that are smaller have less rings so they are assumed to be younger since each ring represents a certain amount of years.

Let's use logic. Take 2 trees planted at the same time. One is in the shadow of the other. Which tree grows faster and which tree has more rings? Environmental conditions play a huge role in all dating methods which are impossible to prove millions of years ago.

They need time folks. They need millions of years to convince you the Big Bang happened. Time is their answer for everything. Because given enough time you can basically make up anything you want.

How about we attack their time. Did you know the oceans are constantly gaining in salinity? Think about it. If the Earth has been here for billions of years, what would be the current salinity of the ocean? Let's look.

If the world’s oceans have been around for three billion years as evolutionists believe, they should be filled with vastly more salt than the oceans contain today. Every year more salt gets deposited.

458 million tons of sodium mixes into ocean water each year, but only 122 million tons (27 percent) is removed by other natural processes.

The math doesn't work.

Now add 4.5 billion years.


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