No Game Engine Game Dev: Word Sleuth 027: Continuing multi-line text support

5 months ago

Streamed on 2024-08-07 (

Game Engines are for sissies!

We picked up where we left off yesterday with multi-line Text. I finished vertical and horizontal Text alignment. Once that was done, I added character spacing and line spacing as options for our Text. All changes to Text had to be mirrored in MultiColorText. I haven't decided the best way to refactor those two classes to reduce duplication of code. That will probably not be tackled during this game, but probably in the next game.

After that we started trying to clip the text within its rectangle. This is where my lack of knowledge of OpenGL hinders me. We didn't get much progress here, but I have some ideas to try tomorrow.

Then my internet cut out. Second time this week. I'm going to have to have a strongly worded discussion with my ISP.

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