Col. Douglas McGregor Is Telling The Truth, Not Many Even Come Close

5 months ago


The Black Vault Document Archive :

3.) Highly Recommended: Restored Republic News 📰: Home - Restored Republic
Also called : The US Military News

Q Notes 📝: July 31, 2024

The European revolution begins as over 70% of Europe rejects the Globalist CIA placed Leaders in the current elections.

· A massive exposure of the Plandemic, vaccine deaths and exposure of the virus will hit Europe. Mass anger and revolt will hit the streets as the financial systems collapse. Blackouts, Cyber Attack and False Flag Events will occur while everything is exposed.

· Russia was now at the US shores and border regions with Nuclear ships and submarines. This Event is vital as DC, CIA, DOD will make huge mistakes that will lead to exposure of Deep State Operations.

· This event was meant to shake Americans and the sleeping Sheep to awaken and see their Corrupt Leaders and System. In 2025 the Event will lead to exposure and military intervention of NATO and the CIA provocation of Russia into War.

· Tribunals and World Courts were already in the midst of indictments.

· The upcoming Russia War Nuclear Event will lead to an over haul of U.S. Military Procedures (cleaning the Deep State Military Commands) by Trump.

· When Trump comes back into office he WILL REUNITE THE WORLD.

· NESARA / GESARA is the most groundbreaking reformations to sweep the world in the entire history of the world.

· All foreigners will be required to return home in order for them to receive their GESARA Payments.


a. Zero's out all Credit Card, Mortgage and other bank and loan transaction debts.

b. Abolishes the Internal Revenue Service and the Income Tax.

c. IRS employees will be transferred to the US Treasury National Sales Tax area.

d. The Federal Reserve will be absorbed into the US Treasury.

e. Creates a 14% - 17% National Sales Tax, applied to NEW ITEMS only for government revenue. Some of it goes to states, rest to new national government.

f. Used items sold will not be taxed. Food & Medicines will not be taxed.

g. Sets up Restitution Payments for those victimized by Chattel Property Bonds. Those Aged 61 and over will receive a lump sum payment. Those Aged 41 to 60 will receive scheduled payments set time and sign work contract. Those Aged 29-40 will have to sign a Work Contract to receive their funds. Initiates a Universal Basic Income or UBI for those 16-29 years old.

h. An increase for retired Senior Citizens up to 3x current SSN amount up to $5,000.00

i. Dissolves US Inc. and returns the country to 1791 Constitution and Common Law.

J. Admiralty-Equity & Civil Laws are dissolved. Judges & Lawyers will be retrained in Constitutional Law.

k. Restores the Original 13th Amendment known as the Titles of Nobility Amendment.

l. Requires that New Presidential and Congressional Elections occur within 120 days.

m. Monitors Elections and prevents illegal election activities of everyone.

n. Creates a new US Treasury Rainbow Currency that is Asset Backed.

o. Forbids the sale of American Birth Certificates as chattel property bonds.

p. Initiates a new US Treasury Banking System in alignment with Constitutional Law.

q. Restores Personal Financial Privacy.

r. Ceases All Military Activities Worldwide.

s. Establishes World Peace.

t. Releases enormous sums of money to be used for Humanitarian Purposes.

u. Enables the release of over 6,000 patents of suppressed technologies including free energy devices, anti-gravity and medical bed technologies.


· The Rodriguez Trust, based in the Philippines, is reportedly over 100 years old. It is claimed to be the single largest source of funds in the world.

· Dr. Alan Cohler is said to be the asset manager of the trust. The trust is backed by gold, some of which is said to come from King Solomon’s Temple.

· However, these claims are often associated with spiritual and metaphysical beliefs, and their validity is not universally accepted. For definitive information, legal consultation is recommended.

· The value of both the St. Germain and Rodriguez Trusts have 3083 zeros behind them.

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