WTFR The Pushback 07-08-2024

7 months ago

Another week... and here we are in August already!

It's riot season again, & for the most part the weather's been perfect for it. So perfect in fact, I have no idea how those little darlings on the far right (paid activists who are anything but far right) managed to cope in their black masks, which looked uncannily similar to the black masks Antifa wore during the COVID riots, let alone how they found the energy to lob pre-supplied bricks - wherever they came from.

Anyway, Joss was joined by Colin, Leo, Emma (the star lady) & Chris #1. Colin still isn't suicidal, despite refusing to comply with wickedness meted out by psychopaths in high places, & doing all that he can to expose & overthrow their fascist regime.

Leo STILL isn't dead! Honestly I don't know how he's managed to defy the opinions of "experts" in the Internationalist Demise Dictatorship (formerly NHS). He brought his usual near-the-knuckle humour - borderline ban-worthy as it was.

Chris #1 has deregistered his car, so somehow he's no longer the registered keeper, but he's the owner... OH GOD I don't understand why it has to be so damn complicated, but it is what it is. He's doing okay though.

Emma forewarned of gigantic lumps of spherical rock suspended in weightlesness crashing into other gigantic spherical rock, & how it somehow applies to our lives. Apparently Mercury is in retrograde, so you know the drill, DUCK & COVER!

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