Trust In The Lord!

7 months ago

(14.5 min) I hold up a model of the Holy Temple to speak of what has to happen for Jesus to return. Quoting JAMES 2:8 and 1 Peter 2:9 I REMIND all who take Jesus as our King to be royal to be kings and queens in his kingdom. It's not prideful to wear a crown. Taking you back to the sin committed in the Garden of Eden I explain our fall from immortality to death from the tree we ate from. The need to rebuild the Holy Temple, yet what will happen even if we do. Yet my Star of Jesus jewel shown is to bring the Israelite, Ishmaelite and Christian together in peace under GOD. I share Jesus his number 888. This versus 666 the serpents Mark of the Beast (brings eternal death & hell) is why not to take it. Liberty to be "We the People" and to have control is connected to money back by gold and silver. Explained is that major renovations in law and Media of news are needed to avoid judgement on the USA. I'm reading "The Harbinger" of Jonathan Cahn's. A leader who honors the GOD of Abraham, can demonstrate what's needed...."Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not upon your own understanding" Prov. 3:5-6"

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