The Vedic Gods | Agni - The God of Fire अ॒ग्नि

7 months ago

Who is Agni? A brief introduction to the Vedic god of fire presented by Jack Donovan, author of Fire in the Dark and founder of The Order of Fire and The First Men.

This video is part of the Order of Fire’s series on The Vedic Gods, and is not meant to express a Hindu perspective on Agni.

For some in-depth thoughts from a Hindu perspective, read this essay from Achintya Venkatesh:

This video is meant as a general introduction to Agni as a mythological figure for men who are interested in exploring and being inspired
by masculine gods and archetypes.

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🔥 Jack Donovan is founder of The Order of Fire and PH2T3R. He is the author of The Way of Men, Fire in the Dark, Becoming a Barbarian, and A More Complete Beast.

Learn more about his work at

Connect with Jack Donovan:

Instagram: / starttheworld

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