Doc"Q"mentary About The Plan To Save America And The World

2 months ago

This doc"Q"mentary regards The Plan To Save The World from the deep state cabal. Q+ is Trump. Q is military intelligence (Space Force). Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet, so many Anons will see the #17 in comms. As Trump claims, We have it all; we have them all." As Q dropped, "Nothing can stop what is coming (justice)."

2020 is the year that stopped the world dead in its' tracks. But, what was really happening? Why was the world flipped upside down, into chaos, through a false flag "plan"demic that ushered in deadly vaccines? They lied over and over again, never providing scientific evidence. The jab was to stop the transmission of covid. Its' sole purpose wasn't to prevent covid, but instead use us as lab rats. Those responsible for this evil mandated that we take an experimental drug that has now proven to disable or genocide us. It was planned with a nefarious agenda, seemingly by all of the governments of the world, who quickly fell into "Lockstep" and locked us down. And, the deep state used it to steal the 2020 election by using drop boxes and having thousands of fake ballots. Watch Dinesh Desosa's movie "2000 Mules" and you'll kniw exactly how the deep state oveethrew We The People's government and iyr duly-elected sitting President Trump. Thus, J6 was not an insurrection against Biden, it was a planned coup completed by the swamp against PresidentvTrump.

Almost overnight, we were uncomfortably close to losing everything, and it was totally out of our control. We were bombarded with fear porn by healthcare organizations, governments and fake news propoganda. We had to protect ourselves no matter what. All we held dear, not only as Americans, but as sovereigns, was stolen - our freedom, our inalienable rights and even our easily did we allow ourselves to come under a tyrannical attack!

If many had known that "past proves future," a Q drop, they would never complied. There were some (Anons) who knew and tried desperately to warn others not to take the toxic jab, but unfortunately most rejected our warning.

Thank God, however, many are now waking up daily to the atrocities that have been done to us. This phase of the unprecendented, 5G information war, is referred to by Q as "The Great Awakening." We are thinking for ourselves and have realized how tyrannical and nefarious our governments have become. How could we ever move into a glorious future, the age of truth, had we werecstill being deceived by the propoganda...all for the sake of the deep state's selfishness and personal greed!?!

Had we not gone through the "Pause," a psychological operation - its' sole purpose to wake up the sleeping masses - by using ingenious military encoded comms, we would have completely lost our nation. We learned through Q, which required the utmost in logical thinking by doing our own research, to stop trusting those who have deceived us. If this had not taken place, would The Great Awakening have been accomplished?

Yet surprisingly, there are still a few who are completely unaware of Q; even though we've been given the answers repeatedly through a "past proves future" of Q proofs. Those who follow Q knew what was going to happen beforehand. We've been fully aware of "The Movie," (continuity of government/military operations - The Plan) almost 8 years. We knew the MSM was a propoganda machine for the deep state. Thus, we've been at peace, watching the movie playouy, which will lead to a most exciting conclusion. We The People will unite throughout the world. We will step out of the darkness and into the light, as champions of of the war for truth. During this time, many of us digital soldiers are actively engaged in and fighting our hardest battles against the multitude of MSM propaganda, misinformation and deception.They're not to be listened to nor trusted in the slightest. All Is inversion and that should be our first lesson, which will allow us to take a giant step in the direction of the real truths of this world.

Remember, we're all being shown a movie. Have you ever heard President Trump talk about Central Casting? Unfortunately, we have been living in an illusion since the day we were born. That is changing to reality very soon. However, as DJT reminds us often, A Movie That Desperately "We, The People" MUST Bring To A CLOSE! Question... have you been "Enjoying The SHOW?!?!"

Who Am I? I'm a Bible believing, gun loving, Texas born, Southern lady raised in Georgia and now living in Alabama; a passionate Patriot, who loves President Trump, the US Military and America. I refuse to be a politically correct coward. I was permanently banned from Twitter and returned when it changed ownership to X. I have lost count as to how many times I have served 30-day jail terms with Facebook. I consider being censored my badge of honor to serve my country.

I agree with all freedom of speech, whether I like it or not. I don't have to listen to it, nor do I have to read it. I will never be a politically correct coward. I will expose and fight evil, and injustice, until I take my last breath.

Glory to God! He is bringing satan's darkness into His light! As President Donald J. Trump states, "The best is yet to come." Stay vigilant Patriots and keep the faith! Be at peace. Pray for your whole armor of protection from Ephesians 6-10. The Lord always wins. God bless you and yours abundantly! ✌💖


If you want to do some interesting reading, check out my articles and opinions on these platforms:

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