BREAKING: GA Election Board OVERIDES RINO Chairman to reopen investigation!

7 months ago

BREAKING: Amazing news! The Georgia State Election Board just voted 3-2 to override the decision of RINO Chairman John Fervier to authorize the reopening of the investigation into the 17,000 missing ballot images & over 3,000 duplicate votes counted in the 2020 election in Fulton County

"Based on the advice of counsel, I believe the Attorney General may be conflicted and should seek the advice of Conflicts Counsel to determine who should represent the state election board in investigating this matter." - Member Janice Johnston

"So the Chair's position, my position is that that case has been adjudicated, that that that case has been adjudicated, that Fulton county has met its obligation. The secretary of state met their part of the obligation." - RINO Chairman John Fervier

Fervier tried to threaten the patriotic board members by saying investigating this case could put the board "in legal jeopardy" but Member Janelle King, Janice Johnston, and Rick Jeffries stuck to the truth

That was fascinating. Pray for the brave members on the board
Despite efforts to shut it down by the chairman, SEB2023-025 LIVES!

17,852 missing ballot images, 3,930 duplicates, missing documentation for 10 mystery tabulators all referred to the AG office for further investigation by outside investigators

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