The 1976 The Tehran, Iran UFO - F-4 Incident

4 months ago

An extremely compelling case of an invading UFO occurred in Tehran, Iran in September of 1976. On the 19th, the Air Force of Iran began receiving calls from local citizens reporting an unusual, unidentifiable object in the skies.

The Air Force duty officer called the Assistant Deputy Commander of Operations informing him of the situation, and asking for guidance on how to handle the situation. He knew there were no planes flying at the time that could account for the strange reports.

At first, Yousefit thought the edgy citizens were seeing just stars or the planet Venus, but after even more inquiries, he decided to look for himself.

As he checked out the unknown object, he knew immediately that it was no star. It was much larger and brighter. He decided to scramble an F-4 jet from Shahrokhi Air Force Base to get a closer look at the unusual object. The plane left the runway at approximately 1:30 AM to intercept the UFO.

The plane sped toward the large, bright unknown which lay some 70 miles north of them. About half-way there, the plane began to experience communication problems.

Instrumentation was also faulty, so the pilot dropped off course, heading back to Shahrokhi. As the F-4 changed course, instrumentation and communication were suddenly restored.

See full report at <A HREF="">Tehran, Iran UFO</a>

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