The Stephenville Lights

7 months ago

Mysterious lights in the Stephenville sky and what some believe was increased military air traffic in the past week have prompted the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) to schedule a meeting for 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 19, at Erath County Dairy Sales & Livestock Commission located on U.S. Highway 377/67 South.

MUFON Texas Senior Field Investigator and Assistant State Director Steve Hudgeons said field investigators from Waco, Fort Worth, and Dallas will be on hand to interview witnesses and complete sighting reports.

He said MUFON is interested in Steve Allen's first-hand account of intensely bright lights and military jets over the Selden community last Tuesday night as well as other accounts.

"I have read the papers and have been sent several e-mails from people that have heard of this sighting and it looks as if there are a good many people that have either seen this or have heard about it," Hudgeons said.

"I will bring down a team of investigators and we will do a mass interview and then do a later follow-up with a selected group."

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