Watch this, if you're not comfortable being ALONE

5 months ago

The best gift you can ever give yourself is being comfortable while being with you You are the only person who has witnessed and been through all the situations in your life; the positives, the negatives, and everything in between. Only you know 100% of you, so if you are uncomfortable being with yourself, why would anyone else be.

Again being alone and feeling lonely are two completely different feelings and most of us get confused and connect being alone to loneliness.

But it's not the case, as you can be surrounded by people that you love and still feel lonely.

Also, you can be alone and feel completely whole.

You are not afraid of being alone, you are afraid of being alone with your thoughts.

It's the mind that you have to address here. As when you are alone with your thoughts you start overthinking about unpleasant situations, scenarios, and events that took place in the past or will most likely take place in the future. You are not in the present moment and that is killing you on the inside and you don't even know it.

The more you overthink, the more depression you are creating for yourself.

And you wonder why this happens.

The reason is when you are alone with your thoughts, your mind starts to bring unresolved emotions to the surface.

These are things that you have kept hidden in the dark, and now they are coming out to the surface. But instead of letting it arise, feeling it and letting go, you ignore it, or worse you fuel it with worse thoughts and emotions which just creates a disaster.

So when you experience these dark thoughts understand that your mind just wants to let these out of your system and work with it. Find a creative or a physical expression where you can cut out or emit 20-30% of this negative energy out.

After this, it'll be much easier for you to sit down, process these thoughts, and eventually let go of them and actually be free from your mind.

This will give you the ability to never have the fear of being alone ever again because you have done the inner work and are now very comfortable with your own thoughts and emotions. This puts you at ease and you will never associate being alone with loneliness.

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