Starseed Report: Truly changing the matrix @ the physical level! A Rare 8/8 Meditation Opportunity.

1 month ago

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August 8th Lions Gate - 144K Meditation

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In this Report:

1)An Opportunity to 'Upscale' Source Energy x50, more than it Would Be Without Our Intervention

2) Completing The Final Removal of Physical Dark Networks

3) True Physical Matrix Transformation, That Must Be Gentle, With Pluto's Help

As we, the 144K prepare for the August 8th Mass Intervention, several opportunities have presented themselves that weren't available in the past.

Every astrologer, intuitive & spiritualist is raving about the huge torrent of Source Light that is already beginning to peak for the 8/8 Lion's Gate climax.

If such amounts of Light are big enough, they can change the programs & frequencies that constitute the physical matrix ...

... which has such control

over our lives.

It allows pre-ancient off-world technologies used by our former hidden oppressors that controlled our past & future, to be discovered far quicker & more safely, saving us decades of turmoil.

If we intervene directly, however ... we can bring in 50 times the amount of Direct Source Energy & Codes.

MATRIX Codes ... not just personal evolutionary Codes!

These new matrix codes are kinda like the 'rules' ... the Divine rules ... of how the matrix will work.

New Rules
New Life!

Thus ... what would take years to achieve, to free the planet, to truly transform life & this world into a paradise ...

... could be done in mere months.

If enough of us join

... the global 144K Meditation of August 8th Lion's Gate, of 2024.

The most truly unique & game-changing Lion's Gate of them all.

Yet part of the cosmic influences (and a prerequisite step) around the ENERGY of change & transformation, was healing & clearing that big cosmic manager of transformation itself - Pluto!

Without Pluto being cleared from super-advanced dark technology that constantly transmuted its codes, Divine Programs & influence away from it's inherent Light purposes ...

... the so-called 'Death & Rebirth' here on Gaia would've been a lot more literal!

Yes ... such are the stakes.

This is why we, the 144K, intervened on the New Moon on August 4th & healed and cleared each planet of our Solar System.

Each planet, with its unique codes & astrological characteristics MUST be freed of all dark subversion, in order for humanity here on this planet to have a safer & far quicker ascension experience without further delays.

This is because this Solar System is part of a larger organism ... a larger matrix, if you will.

This is why the 144K makes the right moves at the right time during such cosmic events.

Done consistently & cumulatively ... freedom, the release of life-changing hidden technologies & Galactic Family Reunion do get expedited with less volatility.

So let's see what surprises ... revelations ... and heroic moves will be expected of the 144K on this unique & profound Lion's Gate of 2024.

We can accelerate the final removal of the physical-plane dark networks, that are frustrating liberation.

The Resistance Movement have communicated that dark Himalayan networks do exist, and they have been exposed - thanks to our upgrading of the timelines, and they are now being removed by force.

Let's help the Agarthan Network of Light & other Off-World Allies finish removing these powerful dark beings, so that the ...

... sacred grid-points that they occupy will
receive a burst of Light
... accelerating Planetary Liberation even further.

Because they are risking their lives!

Let's energetically join them & support them!

Grab your goggles & helmet.

See you where it matters most, this August 8th!

Links are below ...

Yours In Service ...
The Unknown Lightwarrior

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