JUAN O SAVIN- DO ANY OF US KNOW? Game Theory- NINO 8 6 2024

5 months ago

Everything is going to moving so fast between Nov Dec Jan everyone should be in place in the field. Be still and pray and if you ask GOD for BREAD he will not give you a stone.
Juan mentions so many relevant facts to this "operation" and he has not just been vacationing.
The reality of what we SEE and what we KNOW is going to get muddled.
What we need to do is hunker down close to home.
This is why GAME THEORY comes into play. Research this if you like and feel the pain of how this really can effect hundreds of years of history. Game theory has become an indispensable tool in international politics, offering valuable insights into the complex and strategic decision-making processes that govern the interactions between nations, international organizations, and non-state actors.
Listen like your life depended on it. Many of the elements that you might be interested in is what we call "prepping". This is my contribution to those that for those that don't have the option to get "invested" in THEIR money? Have HOPE that what YOU have is more important.
This conversation starts with the Walz VP choice and moves to Your personal place in the world. WE ARE GOING TO GET THROUGH THIS.

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