The Only Thing You Can Count on to Prepare and Cope with the Unthinkable

7 months ago

✨Channeled by Aurika✨🙏Thank you for subscribing!
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My dears! Now there is a very important transformative period. August 8 is a very significant day. Many of our star friends contact me about this - Arcturians, Sirians, from the Galactic Council. I can't help but convey their messages to you! That's why several videos about this important period are coming out on the channel at once. They are different and carry a lot of useful information for people. Visit the channel Watch everything. To go through this period with maximum benefit for yourself and humanity. Wait for another message from the Galactic Federation of Light.
And after that I will post messages on other topics. With love, Aurica.❤️❤️❤️

August 8th, 2024, is a day of immense cosmic significance, marking the powerful alignment of energies from Sirius and the mystical number 8. Prepare to unlock the ultimate spiritual awakening with our latest video, "Triple Eights: Unlock the Ultimate Spiritual Awakening!" . This is your moment for deep self-discovery, karmic cleansing, and spiritual renewal.

In this enlightening session, we delve into the profound impact of the Day of Triple Eights, guiding you through the transformative energy portal that promises to reshape your life.

This month isn't just about dates on the calendar; it's a time imbued with karmic energies, urging you to reflect, reassess, and realign with your higher purpose.

Embrace this special opportunity for personal transformation and growth. Open your heart to the energies of the Triple Eights and let them guide you toward a path of harmony and success.
Step into the incredible cosmic energy of the Triple Eights Portal on 08.08.24! This day of justice, known as the Day of Power, is a transformative moment when the energies of Sirius align with karmic currents, creating a powerful energy portal. Discover how this day can spark profound self-discovery and spiritual awakening.

Understand the cosmic significance of August 8th, as it opens doors to deep cleansing and realignment. Learn what you can and cannot do during this period and how to harness the potential of this powerful event. Embrace the quantum transition and interdimensional darkness to release old burdens and welcome new opportunities for personal and spiritual growth.

This video features a special channeling session with insights into the karmic retribution and cosmic awakening that the Triple Eights bring. Reflect on your actions, take responsibility for your choices, and move forward with a renewed understanding of your life.

DISCLAIMER: All channeled messages are provided for entertainment purposes ONLY. Any relation to real events, persons or places is purely co-incidental.

00:00 - August 8th, 2024 - A Day of Triple Eights
01:05 - The Magic of the Number 8
01:42 - Karmic Retribution and Self-Discovery

Video footages are used under license from

#LionsGate #AugustPowerDay #TripleEights #august8 #DayOfThreeEights #Channeling#EnergyPortal #SpiritualAwakening #PositiveChangePortal #galacticfederation #pleiadians #starseeds #pleiadianhighcouncil #galacticfederationoflight #cosmicevents #cosmicwisdom

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