Episode 2398: Transfiguration: A Call to Holiness and Transformation - Nightly Episode

1 month ago

“O my God, at the end of this day I thank You most heartily for all the graces I have received from You. I am sorry that I have not made better use of them. I am sorry for all the sins I have committed against You. Forgive me, O my God, and graciously protect me this night. Blessed Virgin Mary, my dear heavenly mother, take me under your protection. St. Joseph, my dear Guardian Angel, and all you saints in heaven, pray for me. Sweet Jesus, have pity on all poor sinners, and save them from hell. Have mercy on the suffering souls in purgatory. Amen”
Transfiguration: A Call to Holiness and Transformation
Welcome to today's episode of our podcast, where we delve into the transformative power of Christ's Transfiguration and its implications for our spiritual lives. We'll explore the insights of St. Thomas Aquinas on the Transfiguration and the profound wisdom of Thomas à Kempis on living a life of holiness. Join us as we uncover how these teachings can inspire us to strive for holiness and prepare for our eternal destiny.
The Splendour of the Transfiguration
St. Thomas Aquinas teaches us about the significance of Christ's Transfiguration: “At His Transfiguration, Christ showed His disciples the splendour of His beauty, to which He will shape and colour those who are His: ‘He will reform our lowness configured to the body of his glory.’” This moment on Mount Tabor was not just a revelation of Christ's divine glory but also a promise of what awaits the faithful.
From a traditional Catholic perspective, the Transfiguration serves as a powerful reminder of our ultimate call to be transformed into the likeness of Christ. Just as Jesus revealed His divine nature to Peter, James, and John, He invites us to participate in His glory through our own spiritual transformation. This transformation begins with our willingness to follow Him, to take up our crosses, and to be conformed to His image.
Striving for Holiness in Daily Life
Thomas à Kempis provides practical wisdom on how we can strive for holiness in our daily lives: "How happy and prudent is the man who strives to be now in this life what he desires to be found at his death. For it will give a man great confidence of dying happily, if he has a perfect contempt of the world, a fervent desire to advance in virtue, a love for discipline, the spirit of penance, a prompt obedience, self-denial, and patience in bearing all adversities for the love of Christ." —Thomas à Kempis. This statement calls us to live with the end in mind, constantly preparing our souls for our final encounter with God.
To live in this way, Thomas à Kempis outlines several key virtues:
Contempt of the World: We must detach ourselves from worldly pleasures and concerns, focusing instead on eternal truths and values.
Advancement in Virtue: A fervent desire to grow in virtue is essential. This includes cultivating qualities such as humility, charity, and faith.
Love for Discipline: Embracing discipline helps us to maintain our spiritual focus and avoid distractions that can lead us away from God.
Spirit of Penance: Penance helps us to atone for our sins and to grow in holiness.
Prompt Obedience: Obedience to God's will and the teachings of the Church is crucial for our spiritual growth.
Self-Denial: Denying ourselves helps us to avoid the pitfalls of selfishness and to grow in generosity and love.
Patience in Adversity: Bearing adversities patiently for the love of Christ strengthens our faith and deepens our union with Him.
The Path to Eternal Glory
The wisdom of St. Thomas Aquinas and Thomas à Kempis points us toward a life of transformation and preparation for eternal glory. The Transfiguration reveals the divine beauty that Christ promises to share with us, while the practical advice from Thomas à Kempis provides us with a roadmap for achieving this transformation.
In our journey of faith, it is important to remember that holiness is not an abstract concept but a concrete way of living that reflects our ultimate goal of union with God. By striving to live a life of virtue, discipline, and love, we prepare ourselves for the moment when we will see God face to face and be fully conformed to His glory.
As we conclude today’s episode, let us reflect on the transformative power of Christ’s Transfiguration and the call to holiness in our own lives. The teachings of St. Thomas Aquinas and Thomas à Kempis remind us that our ultimate destiny is to be united with God in glory, and this journey begins with our commitment to live virtuously and faithfully every day.
May we strive to live now as we wish to be found at our death, with hearts full of love, discipline, and obedience to God’s will. Thank you for joining us today. Until next time, may God bless you and keep you on the path to holiness and eternal glory.

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