The Sequel to The Fall of The Cabal Part 8: Faggot Bill & MAN 'Melinda' Gates Foundation!

1 month ago

Published February 11th, 2021.

Note: Bill Gates is a Pedophile Faggot and 'Melinda' Gates is a Fucking Man.

You want proof? - Fucking Research this:

MrE: What do Bill Gates and Emperor Nero have in Common? [30.04.2024]

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Meet the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: one of the most influential NGOs of the 21st century.

Exposure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, their so-called philanthropy in India and Africa in the form of mass-vaccinations, one of the most favorite tools of the Cabal to roll out the Protocols of Zion and Agenda 21 and 2030.

On the outside a benign philanthropic foundation… but on the inside one of the darkest Cabal tools imaginable.

We'll expose their complicity in vaccination experiments on innocent people across the world.

We'll show you the devastating results: children crippled, sterilized, mutilated for the rest of their lives.

Human guinea pigs used to see how many would die as a result of the venom shot into their veins.

All of BMGF's programs were/are fully supported by the UN, the WHO, and UNICEF.

Are you still considering donating money to any of these foundations?

You won't… after seeing this episode!

The Sequel To The Fall Of The Cabal - Part 8 [11.02.2021]

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