Trip Report, Madrid - 2024

7 months ago

We recently had a chance to go to Spain as part of a ministry team at the CEC Convocation for Europe. CEC clergy and families from all over Europe attended and our 5-person team got to do personal prayer ministry with a few hundred people during that time. We got to watch Jesus heal and minister to all kinds of sicknesses and aches and pains.

It is always fun to watch people get a touch from Jesus in the form of prophetic words and/or healing. But, the lasting effect of our visit happened when about 100 people came forward to receive the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and their prayer language. Europe will never be the same with an additional 100 tongue-talking, spirit-filled believers looking for opportunities to let Jesus move through them.

God had an interesting way of blessing Cn Dan and Debborah for being a part of this ministry trip. While in Madrid, they were able to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniversary. “What did you do for your fiftieth wedding anniversary?” “Oh, I took my wife to Spain and celebrated with a dinner at an exclusive restaurant at the top of a 30-floor hotel.” PTL!

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