🫐 Do blueberries boost brain health? FAKE 'SCIENCE'

5 months ago

We often see hopeful headlines claiming that all we need to do to stave off brain diseases like dementia is eat more of some colorful superfood like blueberries.

Sounds easy, right? But here's what you need to know:

📝 The Truth Behind the Research: These compelling claims usually come from a wholly unscientific method of studying food and health called nutrition epidemiology.

Researchers ask many thousands of people to recall impossible details about their eating habits like "How many half-cup servings of blueberries have you eaten, on average, over the past year?"

Can you accurately answer this question? Most people can't, so they are forced to guess and enter a specific quantity. These wild guesses become the "data" used to generate the sexy superfood headlines we see in the media all the time.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

In my book Change Your Diet, Change Your Mind, I show you how to spot these dangerously distracting studies and help you understand the truth about brain food so you can be empowered to make informed dietary decisions based on biology not on ideology, wild guesses and wishful thinking.

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